
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

unfortunate events

unfortunate events

Recently there were many sad news. My heart was sadden after the Gilroy shooting. And then following week there were two more shooting. All those innocent lives perished. And this morning it was so sad to hear the sad news about fire took 5 kids’ lives in a day care. Why are there so many sad things happened? Could you imagine what those victim’s families go through? It makes me sad, angry and inconsolable.

I don’t know how to rebuild my cheerful nature and faith in humankind with all these horrible news as I just don’t know how to deal with the injustice and pure evil. My attitudes toward this world got changed. I become bitter and cynical. I don’t dare to bring my family to go to public events.

Then I read this - “everyone will die one day. No one knows when. The only thing you can do is to try your best to do the most benefiting and righteous things when you are alive, when you still have time. Realizing this will help you focus on the right things, spend time with the right people, and then when the time comes, you can say, there is no regret.”

2019 Resolution - Experience more new things

2019 Resolution - Experience more new things

Great food 2019

Great food 2019