
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

2019 Resolution - Experience more new things

2019 Resolution - Experience more new things

To recap the magical moments/experiences in 2019:

  • Jan - Start day date. Whole family explore Bay Area new places. KK went to watch a play 1st time - Cat in the Hat.

  • Feb - Ski trip with friends in Yosemite. CNY eve dinner @sun of wolf. A Mei Jie visit.

  • March - Nainai Bday celebration. Jia got to Rally Driving training for his Bday!

  • April - Kiki went to day care and grandparents left. Menlo Park was chosen. Took kids to Pacific Coast Dream Machines Show (too bad KK wasn’t feeling too well) and saw motorcycle tricks!

  • May - Sailing competition and KK bike learning. Mother’s day with my guys. Jia got a new e-motocycle.

  • June - KK and Addie started swimming lesson. Summer hanging out with friends/families.

  • July - Epic Japan trip with my dad and mom. Everyone enjoyed so much the trip! Bday celebration with art and good food.

  • August - Enjoyed the new front yard (us and with friends’ families). Lego trip to celebrate KK’s bday!

  • September - Russian river trip with friend’s family.

  • October - J and I have been crazily busy starting August. Tried JCC with family.

  • November - Big Sur camping with Kids in the trailer. Thanksgiving till first week of Dec, I took KK back to visit my parents in Guangdong and he really enjoyed it.

  • December - Xmas road trip to Seattle and Portland with KK/Kiki. Too bad grandparents couldn’t join us as planned.

I want to create more magical moments and experience new things and here is a record sheet of the new things and experiences so far for 2019:

  • 1/1 first time whole family go to Oakland Lake Side Park and ate lunch at Chinese restaurant in China town there

  • 1/3 hit the gym first time!

  • 1/5 sat go to De Young Museum for Muslim fashion exhibition with C (girls date).

  • 1/4 first time Andrea lesson after a full year

  • 1/6 eat at new restaurant Qin-Tang with B/K/A/E

  • 1/8 first time hit the Apple Gym both in the morning and in the evening

  • 1/8 Jia first time to the Warriors Game

  • 1/13 Sun took the whole family to Academy of science

  • 1/19 Sat 1st took KK to watch a play - Cat in the Hat at the MV performing art center

  • 1/19 Sat 1st time new restaurant - Zareen’s

  • 1/20 1st time took Kiki to Lulu’s house - which was similar age when we took KK when he was very little

  • 1/21 Mon took whole family to check out the Salesforce Tansit Center unfortunately it is close

  • 1/21 Cheese and wine night with Jia

  • 1/27 Fioli Garden - with whole family

  • Jan Date Day: Fioli with Jia, Testarossa Winery, Flights restaurant in Los Gatos for lunch, Cupertino coffee shop for dessert. Stevens Creek Trail for 1 hour hiking and saw the new buildings in construction. 

  • 2/1 Bring KK and Kiki to Yosemite National Park to see the snow

  • 2/4 CNY Eve - whole family went to sun of wolf at Cal. Ave. 

  • 2/5 A Mei Jie visited our family

  • 2/6 Jia got the flu (fever & cough) and 2/8 I also got sick

  • 2/10 We took KK to Anderson Center at Stanford University for the 2nd Sunday Family activity

  • 2/15 date night with Jia to Ambience at Los Altos

  • 2/17 Took family to the Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito

  • Feb date day - Cliff House for breakfast

  • 2/23 Jia took KK to train show

  • 2/24 first time taking Kiki to jess’ house for Dylan’s 1st birthday

  • 2/27 lunch with Weixuan at Beijing Yazi place 3/1 lunch with Vivian at Barn Thai

  • 2/28 wfh and Yeye Nainai went to Cliff House for breakfast and I hung out with Kiki for a great morning - return Comcast, donation, Apple store and brunch at Tuba

  • 3/2 play date with Kalinda family at CuriOdissey and lunch @Wursthall

  • 3/3 play date with Digdog family at Academy of Sciences, I went with Cynthia to @tartine manufacture and @stonemill Matcha

  • 3/6 奶奶birthday, first order Gochi’s for them and they like them + Alexander’s cakes 

  • 3/9 First time took Kiki to the music class that KK went to and Kiki was fascinated by guitar - he observes and stares

  • 3/10 First time took Kiki to Monterey Aquarium3/13 Coaching with Randy

  • 3/13 first time getting offers at our house (San Domar)

  • 3/15 Date Day went to H&S Cafe in milbrae after massage and climbed Coit Tower, evening dining at Manresa

  • 3/16 lunch at @kyoshi sushi at Menlo Park and afternoon KK sang Happy Birthday song to Jia with Kiki smiling; 4 of us went to ASA for dinner

  • 3/24 Took KK and Kiki to Sisi’s 4th bday party and then Happy Hollow. Kiki was sleeping but KK did Dragon Fly first time!!

  • 3/27 Made offer for Oakwood 

  • 3/31 took whole family (including grandparents) to Twin Peaks and 1st time KK hiked those hills. First time went to Nick’s Seashore Restaurant

  • 4/6 Tried Georgian Street Food Truck by Milk Pail
    4/7 Tried Coffee Bar Menlo Park for breakfast and Bettery Cafe @Santa Cruz for lunch

  • 4/9 Hatha Yoga at new office first time 
    4/1x Date Day - B. Patisserie, Glen Valley Park, Bernal Heights, Red Hill Station Restaurant
    4/13 KK classmate Easter Party at Cuesta Park
    4/14 Mademoiselle Colette @ Palo Alto and Gyro’s

  • 4/20 Sat going to Larkspur Ferry Terminal and the shopping/dining mall by it. Tried a new restaurant @El Huarache Loco and the roasted chicken from the Farmers Market

  • 4/21 Sun tried Manresa Bread, after the Global Entry interview for the kids, we went to Burlingame Farmers Market with the kids

  • 4/27 Sat 1pm house inspections at 430 central ave., went to Palo Alto Art Center in the afternoon, then 1st time to Cafe Machiavello @Cal Ave

  • 4/28 Sun Pacific Coast Dream Machines Show at Half Moon Bay. Tried Dad’s luncheonette. Really good food. Afternoon tried new park at Sminary Oak Park.

  • 5/5 sun we went to crissy field to watch the sailing competition. And KK learned how to ride the bicycle with a long stretch - even though swing left and right all the time but he did it!

  • 5/10 Fri morning @ Betty’s butterflies for Mother’s Day Breakfast gethering. And got so many gifts from them. It is so cute! Lunch with the Marcom interactive moms at Wolfe and brought KK and he is so cute playing with Siena. Afternoon 1st PM meeting. 
    5/11 Sat lunch at @Teaquation and afternoon Catherine’s bday party at Gold Star Gymnastics. 
    5/12 Sun - Wonderful Mother’s Day! KK, Kiki and Jia came to wake me up with presents. Picnic at home with two kids <3 + 😊

  • 5/1X Daydate - 1st time to Icon - to watch End Game

  • 5/17 Friday KK Day Care picnic with wonderful gifts he made for mother’s day and father’s day. Kiki had oen year check up and he is 99.9% - a big boy and enduring 7 vaccination shots

  • 5/18 Sat - Checked out the motorcycle shop in San Jose with KK and Kiki and they had so much fun riding the small bikes in the shop. We also finished putting up the carpet tiles in the playroom. Tried Japanese Demiya and both kids love it. Kiki ate so much and KK eats well when he shared and has competition.

  • 5/24 tried Angela for eyebrow

  • 5/25 Sat - Tried La via Seafood & Locina Mexicana, liked their special and still not hot about ceviche

  • 5/26 Sun - Went to small train town in Fremont. Diana Tran’s wedding in The Club at Ruby Hill, Pleasanton, CA. There are some huge crazy rich houses in that area.

  • 5/27 Mon - Memorial Day - Academics of science for Dino Day. KK was afraid of the big T-rex

  • 6/1 Sat - KK and Addie first swimming lesson with teacher Dong and we hung out and had Jerk Chicken and grilled veggie

  • 6/2 Sun - first time Kiki on the bike (the tricycle) and we rode to Palo Alto

  • 6/8 Sat - lunch at Mademoiselle Colette @menlo park and really like their beet salad; after swimming class went to Zom pizza and then 杏记甜品 and kids play at the lawn in Cupertino village.

  • 6/9 Sun - went to Eleanor Pardee Park when I drove kiki to sleep - there is a big tree and Jia and KK played soccer event though it was really hot

  • 6/15 Sat first time met up with Sun Dai/Dan with our whole family at the restaurant close to Cal. Ave. and learned their wonderful news that they are expecting a baby. At night, watched a silly movie “Mysterious Murder” with Jia and laughed about it. Addie also came over for a sleep over.

  • 6/16 Sun- Father’s day. Brent/Kalinda came over to make a full British breakfast. Then I played with KK in playground while Jia drove Kiki to sleep.Afternoon 1st time Jia put both KK and Kiki in the bicycle trailer to take to Loma Park.

  • 6/22 Sat First time to have KK try the new art class that we don’t need to be there 9-10:30 so we spent time with Kiki alone at shoreline park. I went into the pool! As it was hot :). After swimming, all people go to Liang Mama Jia and then beard papa with KK and kiki.

  • 6/23 Sun First time Drove Fioliand tried bike day! Then went to Liz’s daughter 2nd bday.

  • 6/29 Sat - Felicia’s Bday party - an indoor water park at Newark 6800 Mowry Ave.

  • 6/29 Sat Afternoon I first time after so many years taking swiming lesson - it was so hot and it was quite enjoyable

  • 7/3 first time taking Kiki to an international flight + first time fly to Japan for vacation!

  • 7/4 first time for Kiki and KK to see grandpa! Big family trip in Japan! Everyday so many new things! all the way to 7/13 to fly back to USA.

  • 7/x birthday weekend Went to Palace of Fine Arts - admiring the area

  • 7/22 Mon first time Jia and I take both kids on weekday to Loma park together as want to change KK sleeping schedule

  • 7/23 Tue I took the kids to Loma park by myself

  • 7/24 Wed KK was confirmed another case of hand, foot mouth disease so Jia stayed home and we got to go to the park at 5:20

  • 7/26 Friday night, Jia took KK to Movie night at the park in Mountain View and they came back at 10:30pm. KK had a lot of fun watching Lego Movie 2.

  • 7/27 Picnic at Johnson park at Palo Alto. Swimming session - I learned back stroke.

  • 7/28 Sun Took Kiki and KK to Japanese grocery store and Saratoga Wine & Art Festival.

  • 7/29 Mon I run around the block with KK to exercise

  • 8/4 Sun Eat out dinner with kids and J at the yard and really appreciate having a good yard

  • 8/8 Thur Kiki got his first cast of his right elbow

  • 8/9 Fri met with MaYingTao and Kem Kem at Cupertino Village for lunch

  • 8/10 Car wash @Auto Pride Hand Carwash. Very happy the minivan is a lot cleaner. Lunch @Poke house Palo Alto; also first Date Night, we watched “Farewell” at Icon Theater

  • 8/11 Sun Play date at home invited Felicia’s parents. Really enjoyed the yard and the landscape work

  • 8/24 Sat at Jia’s company Family Day. Also went to Cynthia’s CA celebration at Portella Valley - very nice house.

  • 8/29 driving to LA for KK’s birthday celebration at Lego Land! Stayed there until Sunday and drove back. :) very nice trip!

  • 9/7 Sat Jia & I watched “American Factory”

  • 9/8 Sun lunch @ Anderson center and it was quite nice

  • 9/14 Sat Play date @F’s home and was quite nice to see kids play in the water pool and enjoyed the food; evening enjoying the gas stove in the back yard after kids went to bed (thanks J for setting it up)

  • 9/15 sun Jia cooked hamburger with the new grill and it is tasty

  • 9/21 Russian River trip; morning stop by Exploratorium and arrvied 3pm. Tried the river and hot tub at night. Kiki still had a little fever but very good boy; 22 Sun bike to the forest, then the river, then dinner and hot tub. 23 Mon, breakfast then head out; bike through the Golden Gate bridge with kids in the trailer

  • 9/28 afternoon play date with Arianna @Billy Beez at Oakridge Mall and then dinner @Sizzling lunch and it is good to change from home cooked food; at night first time Kiki slept under the bump bed.

  • 10/5 Sat first neighborhood block party and J’s work party at home 10/11 Date night @Dog Bird restaurant

  • 10/20 Sun morning Kiki went to to JCC day care center but cried all the way 10/22 Tue Tried @Leichi restaurant with Paul

  • 11/2 lunch went @Onigilry shop at university Ave. afternoon play date with Felicia and got lamb Yang Rou Chuan - very happy.

  • Nov 9 sat to Nov 11 first time take KK, Kiki to camping in the trailer - Big Sur Luckily there is no show and we got there by 3:05pm and the host let us to take their spot. It is nice as there is no network - so it is a bit weird but then I got time to do the linking matrix and then do some journal

  • 11/24 sun night to 12/7 I took KK back to GuangDong and he enjoyed the stay there

Video snapshot for each month in 2019













To view the full year of 2019 Family Video

Summarized from books/podcasts 2020

Summarized from books/podcasts 2020

unfortunate events

unfortunate events