
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

Less is more

I finally got to listen to the audio book of Minimalism : Live a meaningful life and Everything that remains. Admiring what the authors did, I wanted to try to get rid of the excess in my life and make room for what is truly important to me. Looking around our house, there are stuffs everywhere. We decluttered at the beginning of this year already. In January, I donated 20 big boxes/bags of my clothes and accessories. And Jia also did his part. We even cleaned and donated the kids toys. And even now I still have stuffs over flowing everywhere in my house. With all these many stuffs, I am constantly looking for things and the time I need to spend to maintain and clean them are a lot. So I kind of envy those minimalists and want to live their lifestyle. However it is really hard to part things away - especially our own things. Everything has some sentimental values to us and “just in case” is attached to everything. I want to do experiments to find out “What are my requirements, things I can’t do without?” The fewer things I poccess, the less of a burden these things become. So I am doing the 30 days minimalist game to pare down my stuffs https://www.theminimalists.com/game/ Thanks to Jia for his support to do it together with me. And here are some captures of the progress so far.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

CORVID-19 Lock Down Journey