
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

有朋自远方来 - spirit power

有朋自远方来 - spirit power

We got a wonderful surprised visit from A Mei Jie on Tue night - who is like our big sister as we knew her when Jia went to grad school and rented a house with her and other folks. They were a tight group and went to the same company for work and internship. Even though everyone headed for their own future after graduation, we still keep in touch and as a Chinese tradition, I always try to remember to say hello and send best wishes during CNY. It just happened her family needed to extend their visit due to some paperwork issue. And she hopped on a uber to come to visit us.

I always admire A Mei Jie’s spirit - not only she is super smart - she is one of the few people who are experts in optic chips, but also the angle she looks at the world. She doesn’t have much material needs, and she is so confident in her own capability. It is so refreshing to hear her story - she is now back to China and founded a company that is changing the world of the medicine equipment. I know I do like material things - normally people can tell from my accessories/jewelry collection. But deep down, I always admire someone who can abolish the material needs and thrive in the spiritual world - to help others, to achieve their dreams. It is so amazing to get refreshed about that.

We chatted until almost midnight and after we dropped her off, on the way back I can feel both Jia and I are pumped up with the positive energy. We talked about our dreams and our paths. Even though now we need to focus on providing the best to KK and Kiki, I am sure we would contribute more to the better side of the world.

Healthy = Mind and Body are Well

Healthy = Mind and Body are Well

Chinese New Year 2019

Chinese New Year 2019