
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

To be born in a family

To be born in a family

Driving with J on the road and chatting about things, we both consider KK and Kiki are the lucky kids as they were born in a middle class family in a developed country. I said it is all by comparison. We are not in the upper class category so they are not “as lucky” as could be those who are born in those ivory towers.

I told Jia what I read about how Paul Allen and Bill Gates knew each other from 7th grade and how they got to computer because of their affluent parents’ background paved them a perfect path. It is just so much easier if you are born in a the top 1% families, right?

On the other hand, KK and Kiki, if one day you saw this blog article, I just want to let you know that we love you so much and would trade everything for you guys, but there are some certain things we couldn’t and are not capable of doing so. We can’t become the the 1% upper class but we would try our best to support you in your interests and passion.

When I grew up, I thought I was relatively lucky one - my family is never rich but quite comfortable when I was in middle, high school and college. Things changed dramatically after I graduate, but when I grew up, I was well fed and disciplined. Yes, my parents are not those perfect parents but looking back, I always think they did their best.

So maybe it is less about equality, but it is more about love and sharing. It is about learning your own way and appreciate what you have. It is not about asking being given to you but experiencing yourself. It is also a way that I need to remind myself to relax, I don’t need to bend over backwards and make all possible ways to support them as they will need to learn to be on their own and deal with imperfections.

I wish this will all make sense one day to KK and Kiki.

2018 Hawaii Trip - big family trip

2018 Hawaii Trip - big family trip

Reading other people's cancer experience

Reading other people's cancer experience