
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

How to set goals

How to set goals

One of my best friends told me she envied some people who has a clear goal and really move forward to get it. I agree with her and discussed how to set goals.

We normally don’t have very specific goals as for our generation, we really were just told to study well and follow orders. So we end up having no much interests as we didn’t get a chance to explore. When I look back, I always feel sad about that. That is why I think it is a great idea to provide as many as different things to let your kids to try. And whatever they like/feel interested, then fully support them to do those.

In the meantime, it is not too late to find our own goals. So I talked to my friend how I learn from different motivational speakers and vloggers about setting goals.

First, find out what is important for yourself. For myself, quality time with my family and experience new things are very important.

Then what will you imagine will be the best for this to become in 20-25-30 years? I would like to have passionate and joyful relationship with my husband and the best friend of my kids.

After you visualize what those are, think about then daily, monthly what you need to do to achieve that.

Each day my goal is to enjoy the time I spend with my kids and have great interactions with my husband. To be honest, it is not always easy. But with this concrete goal in mind, I am doing better than before.

Also you can think of what will make you achieve the goal better. For example, reading some books about how to communicate with kids will benefit me on building connections with my kids. So I will incorporate those into my daily task.

Hope these simple steps and examples help. My friend is making her goal now. :)

Breast Cancer Update

Breast Cancer Update

1st family trip (four of us) to Gualala

1st family trip (four of us) to Gualala