
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

Chinese New Year 2019

Chinese New Year 2019

Chinese New Year and it is year of the Pig!

It happens to be the international week at KK’s day care so there are quite a few of moms including me going there to share with them what CNY is. And the teachers have been teaching them songs and traditions of this festival. Caius learned to sing the Happy New Year song in mandarin in school.

I didn’t decorate our house for Chinese New Year but KK Day Care actually did some decoration so I tell myself next year I need to be better and really set more atmosphere about how CNY is at home.

Here are two pictures showing what the Day Care did.

At home we still dressed up the boys in red color clothes and asked KK to greet grandparents and us happy chinese new year so we gave him red pockets. He is still too young to understand the cash value inside the red pocket and asked whether those are for a lot of cars (I told him those money inside the red pocket can be used to buy him cars). When he is older, he will say more lucky words to greet us, and uses the red pocket money to get his “gifts”.

And Kiki of course wants to eat the red pocket. :)

The night before at the CNY’s eve we went out to eat. Traditionally we would go to a Chinese restaurant but we were afraid there would be a lot of people so we opted to go for a western restaurant at 5:30pm. We tried the Sun of Wolf at Cal Ave. and quite enjoyed the food and atmosphere.

有朋自远方来 - spirit power

有朋自远方来 - spirit power

Hope - 万物之中,希望至美

Hope - 万物之中,希望至美