
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

Randy Roberts Training

Randy Roberts Training

I got an opportunity through work to go to Randy Roberts’ coaching session. To be honest, I didn’t quite know about Randy. She turned out to be a famous transformational coach and here is her website .

I like that workshop as the content it is about how to improve as a person. It aligns with what I learned previously from Tony Robbins, Brian Johnson etc. But it gives some other perspectives and make what I learned before more tangible.

First she separated what we consider as reality and it becomes the limitation we put on ourselves, which turned out to be just opinions (stories) from our past experiences and beliefs. If we can shift the fundamental belief system we have about themselves, new actions and behaviors will happen and we will get new results.

She breaks down the behaviors that happen below and above the line and asks us to identify our 5 tells. I think the more I practice, the more I can become aware when I went below the line. This is the concept I have been practicing as I used to call it “ups and downs” and want to maintain myself to be in the “ups.” The very helpful part for me is that she emphasized it is ok for us to sink below the line and it is unavoidable. I was very hard on myself before when I was “down” but it turns out it is ok so it gives me a peace of mind to accept that happens. Then she gave tools on how to come back to above the line. That is very helpful for me too. She said 90% is the awareness and 10% is holding to our words.

The word/being statement is like the personal vision statement I did before so I am familiar with this. I use that opportunity to revise my personal vision statement - this does remind me of my purpose and commitment and she wants us to use it as practical tools as well.

I do feel I walk out inspired and enthusiastic.

Follow up: I had some discussion with my boss about this training and we talked about what we learned from it. It is so nice to have another person who shared the same experience to discuss how they view it.

Swimming class for a 3 years old

Swimming class for a 3 years old

2019 Goals

2019 Goals