
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

2019 Goals

2019 Goals

Here are my 2019 Goals. And I adopted the 13 weeks planning to move forward with this and will do the monthly recap to see the progress and provide updates to keep me on track. So check back to see the progress. :)

1. Physical Health

✔️ Challenge myself to do close the ring challenge in Feb

- Measure from going to Miche to test I can do regular exercise with intensity like before

- I will easily achieve at least 30 minutes of exercises/hit the gym 3 times a week (Jan-March ✔️)

- Diet attention - to cut out refined sugar, fried, greasy food, balance the intake veggies to 2:1 to meat/protein and whole grain (doing good but need to cut down sugar/fried)

- Body awareness - breathing awareness and flow changes (focus for April)

- I will happily be 115 pounds and 20 % body fat at the end of 2019

2. Emotional Strength and Karma

- Have a great daily routine to appreciate and be in control 95% of the days (measured by perspective journal) (allowance 15 days)

- Consistently doing the morning/evening routines 95% of the days (record) - (allowance 15 days)

- Complete a 30-day Ritual Challenge to do meditation to be more positive and happy (April)

- Utilize the Daily OM course and audiobooks to guide through self awareness & growing, form a system of myself

- Overcome to ups and downs by recognizing and not stay under the line (Non-identification, Self Acceptance)

- Overcome to ups and downs handling breast cancer stress

3. Family/Work Life Balance (relationship/family/friends) - Systems/Method: Create more magic moments

- Continue rituals and love journal

- Happily enjoy a fun family vacation in June in Japan, creating fun and magic moments and the process of it/updated based on work schedule to July

✔️ Find a nanny and adapt to the change of Kiki going to daycare and leaving of grandparents (getting Lulu as nanny and Ms. Huang as cook/help)

✔️ Plan and prep for Jia’s bday trip (Jia opted for a rally race training trip and he will enjoy it by himself)

✔️ Plan and do a Tahoe trip as traditions (great Tahoe trip with friends in Feb)

- Have once a month gather/meet up with friends and create more interactions (so far so good)

- July short trip to Portland/Updated to August Lego Land birthday trip for Caius

- Every month try something new to experience more together/ every week smaller items (so far so good)

- Enjoy the process and finish cabin and landscape project

- Enjoy the process of selling and convert to a good neighborhood property

- Continue cleaning up our space (entryway system)

4. Career & Business

- Summarize the previous projects and find ways to organize better for future projects

- Update the work portfolio

- Improve productivity - every week get ideas from online/practice/refine

- Refine the blogs and update more often

- Share with people how to accelerate every aspect of their lives on a weekly basis

5. Finance

- Make $5000 through online business by 2018

- Have a good finish on airbnb - have it automated by end of 2018

- Execute the house trade project

- Make the personal etrade and Robinhood to develop the personal portfolio

6. Personal and Spiritual Growth

- Learn and expand influence and just be the better person to be around

- I will continue studying different productivity methods, including GTD, Journaling to increase my productivity and share my learning

- I will easily read at least 12 books (including audio and podcasts) to enhance my knowledge, mindset and skills

- Contribution - $5k

- Piano

- Japanese

- Spanish

Randy Roberts Training

Randy Roberts Training

2018 Recap

2018 Recap