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Try Protégé in "Palo Alto"? YES!

Try Protégé in "Palo Alto"? YES!

I randomly came across to Protege’s reviews on Yelp while searching a good dining place for our anniversary. I wasn’t aware how much hype it received at all - as the owners are former head sommelier and sous chef from the three-Michelin-star The French Laundry in Yountville. They want their new restaurant to have a more casual high-end dining experience and also “train the next generation of restaurant professionals.” Hence the name of the restaurant. 

At that time (end or March, 2018) it is still soft opening so most were still first come and first served. I did try their online reservation system but at that time they just mentioned first come and first served. So I told Jia I would pick up Caius and wait a bit in line and he would join us. 

It worked pretty well as I was approaching the restaurant, I saw a long line but not too crazy (considered it is a random Thursday evening at close to 5:30pm). The door opened and let the people trickle in - Caius and I also waited in line and there are some other people later joined behind us too. Some people got seated in the bar and some in lounge areas and some were led to the reservation areas (later on I found out that you really could reserve online but needs to try every night like 11:59pm and refresh like crazy to book the reservation). The hostess was kind and friendly and told it would take 15-20 minutes for our table. Since we needed to wait for Jia to came back from SF so there is no problem. I took Caius outside and played. And when Jia arrived around 5:45pm, we waited for another 5-10 minutes to be seated. Currently they divided the restaurants into two areas - bar/lounge sections and a private area with reservation only. We were seated in the bar-lounge area table and I actually like it better as we do have Caius with us. And the atmosphere is cozy and warm. 
The food is definitely amazing - it is still high-end so small portion but very creative and delicious. Jia ordered fish and chips from the appetizer menu and it is totally different from what he imagined and we had a good laugh about it. After all, the chef is from The French Laundry, remember? We ordered the following appetizers:
Fish and Chips $8
Brown butter Parker House Roll $5
Foie Gras Terrine $26
Spanish Octopus $16
They are all amazing - Jia never is a big fan of Foie Gras but really likes this one. The Octopus, while different from the very delicious I ate in Barcelona, was very delicious with just the perfect amount of charcoaled flavor. 

And Short Rib “Pithivier” and Sea Scallops for main dish. The Pithivier is like a pie and very good. But oh my god, the scallops - I am a scallop lover - I almost tried all the scallops in TONS of high end restaurants we have been to. And by far this is really the best. Jia also agrees with me when he is normally not a big sea scallop person. 

Drinks - As I am pregnant and Jia needs to ride his motorcycle home, we only had water and tea and didn’t order any alcoholic drinks. I would really want to try their wine and cocktails. 

Desert: At first I thought the presentation of the desert (carried out in a three-layered cart) is a bit understatement. But Jia thinks it is quite nice. We ordered the Canele ($5) and Apple pie with ice cream ($12) and they both are great. I am never an Apple pie fan but after trying, I have to say that was because I never had a good apple pie before. 

In short, it is a must try restaurant if you are in the neighborhood. Yes the portion is small but it is so good! And compared with the high end three-Michelin-star restaurant experience we had before, it is so much more affordable and the food is equally good. I would definitely come back more often and hope they still have some portions are first come and first served.


Some questions about the negative Yelp reviews? - When I am writing this review, I saw some negative Yelp reviews. I am a bit surprised as different people definitely have different expectations. But seriously, if you are expecting this restaurant to be “The French Laundry 2.0” then please stop going and give your reservations to some other people who will appreciate its down-to-earth, cozy and friendly atmosphere. Protégé, I hope you won’t change based on those reviews as I really like your casual friendless with delicious high-end food. You are on my top list for the restaurants in Bay Area. :) 

Can we take kids? - The reviews said it is kids friendly. They are quite friendly and nice to Caius and I really appreciate it. It is still a bit high end place to take toddlers to go to. Luckily Caius was quite well behaved in the restaurant. 

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