
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

Swimming class for a 3 years old

Swimming class for a 3 years old

This fall we signed KK up for a semi swimming lesson once per week with his school mate at Flying fish Swimming school. I like it is very close to his day care and he has someone he knows well during the lesson.

I hope he is not going to cry but the first couple session he still cried. The school handled it well, they asked the parents to leave the pool area so the child stops acting up. And normally after a couple minutes they will calm down. I also talked to KK afterwards that if he cries then mama will be kicked out so whether he would prefer me staying in the room and not cry. He did do better and wanted to keep me in the room. His instructor in the fall is a tough young gentleman. He pushed KK to improve and from a toddler that hasn’t got any swimming experience, KK quickly learned how to hold his breath, kick water etc. It wasn’t that smooth for sure as some weeks he will cry and insisted he didn’t want to go swimming. Towards the end of the session, he is a lot better (first session Aug 28, last one in December).

This winter session staring from January he got a female coach and she is a lot more gentle. By then he is a lot familiar with the water and not afraid of it any more. It is very nice to see he has so much fun.

Fioli Garden

Fioli Garden

Randy Roberts Training

Randy Roberts Training