
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

self acceptance and self confidence

self acceptance and self confidence

I finally realize what I need to improve more. It is not about have more self confidence, it is I need to love myself more (be less critical of myself). A while back when chatting with one of my friend, she said a couple years ago if 10 points is highest she can get, and she only gets 9, then she would focus so much on that 1 point she didn’t get and be upset. Now she knows to look at the 9 points she got and be happy with that. I wrote that story down in my journal and asked myself to do the same. As there are too many times I only focused on that 1 point I didn’t get, or the mistake I made, and felt ashamed.

I asked Randy about this in our coaching session and she asked me if my kids came to me and said they only got 9 points and didn’t get the 1 point, what I would say. I would say “sweetie, it is so great you get 9 points! I am so proud of you.” And then she said that is exactly what you should say to yourself! That is when tears appeared in my eyes. Yes, how many times in life I was too harsh on myself and that affect on my emotions and self-confidence. Now I have a perfect solution for it.



KK Teaches Mandarin Chinese

KK Teaches Mandarin Chinese