
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

Watching Movies Together

Watching Movies Together

J and I finally caught up with some movies that we wanted to watch together. If we can send the kids to bed before 9:15 and don’t need to work, we then have 9:30-11pm for ourselves and can watch half of a movie. Yes, half of a movie - not a full one. But hey, I gladly take it. It is better than none.

A video that teaches people to cherish time has planted some seeds in my mind about not wasting time on “non important things” - it is true - wasting 2-3 hours on movie does seem a lot of time - as I mentioned before in an article, we don’t get those hours back. I don’t mean we can’t get entertainment but just need to be “selective” - watching movies with J has always been fun. We wonder in some imaginative worlds and wait for the stories unfold. We always discuss after the movie what we like and don’t like, what we think it is not logical and what is entertaining. It is an experience that also bring us closer.

I got drawn in the stories too easily so I am avoiding drama recently as those tend to make my emotions go way up and down.

So we watched animates and action movies these couple weeks:

  • Coco

  • Incredibles 2

  • Avengers: Infinity War

They are all good movies. I like those imaginary worlds/ideas. I will definitely watch those with KK and Kiki when they grow up a bit more.

I did feel sad and a bit uneasy after the Avengers: Infinity War though. I think I never like good people to lose. I always like fair and justice. So when good people die/lose in the movie, I can’t accept those. Probably why I can’t watch drama nowadays, as bad/sad things happened a lot there. But why? why? Half of the humanity was destroyed like that? And the good guys lost completely? Come on, Marvel! I can’t help doing some research online and apparently all the fans feel like me and started plotting what could happen and whether Marvel will bring back those heroes that died (well, please bring back the common folks too - it is not only the heros that deserve living). So now I choose to believe the there is a bigger plot for the future movies that will bring those died back. Or else I have to say I am going to be so disappointed and sad. Did almost the whole Guardian of Galaxy crew die? Unacceptable.

Reading other people's cancer experience

Reading other people's cancer experience

start more cleaning

start more cleaning