
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

Movies - 2019

Movies - 2019

Super Rich Asians (Feb)

I “forced” J to watch Super Rich Asians with me (it took a couple weeks’ nagging and pushing) - in the end he enjoyed it too as it is a fun movie.

It is not a cheesy movie in my mind. And I am adding another level of implication here. As parents having two Asian American sons, I emphasized to J that this is the first Hollywood Blockbuster that feature Asian Americans in the leading roles - especially the male leading role, that breaks the stereotype of featuring Asian American guys as geeky or Kung Fu master. To quote from some articles - it is the first time Hollywood blockbusters depicting Asian American guys as masculine, romantic, and sexually desirable. This really breaks the stereotype of Asian American men being not sexually attractive in the general public’s minds.

It seems KK and Kiki would need to combat those stereotypes all their lives too. And that is the reason I think we should have watched the film.

Avengers - End Game (May)

I was waiting to watch this as I was so upset with the ending of the last move. Jia and I actually took half a day off so we could watch it. And it was worthy. Now there is a closure for the Avengers series. It is one of my favorite comic movie series.

Farewell (August)

I heard about it from one of my coworkers. And I think it is relevant for us to watch. It is never easy to deal with anything related to death - especially beloved family members. It is something we eventually need to go through.

KK Teaches Mandarin Chinese

KK Teaches Mandarin Chinese

Books 2019

Books 2019