
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

Reading other people's cancer experience

Reading other people's cancer experience

I came across a couple articles on my social media feeds about other people’s cancer experiences. I clicked and read them with my full attention. Before I had breast cancer myself, I might browser through them but wouldn’t give them so much thoughts. We are more likely to show empathy if we have the same experience.

Not to over generalize things, those stories and mine are alike at some certain level - we all have been through those days we worried sick (less about ourselves but more about our family and loved ones) and gone through some treatments that we are not even sure those will cure us 100%. We try to write something about it, document our journey, and leave something behind. It is a way for us to make sense out of the chaotic mess, a way for us to assure ourselves that we won’t be forgotten, a way to feel we are at least in control of something.

I don’t know whether some of them are still alive as the posts are abridged from their social media handles and I am too afraid to look for them and get disappointed. I would rather believe they are doing well, I wish their treatment work and they are recovering well.

Sometimes I wonder to the dangerous question - why? Why did this happen to so many people and create so much horror and tragic? Then I quickly pull myself away from it. The things that are keeping me grounded are my family, my friends, and the way I want to experience life. I will focus on those and send my positive thoughts out.

To be born in a family

To be born in a family

Watching Movies Together

Watching Movies Together