
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

start more cleaning

start more cleaning

week of 10/15 This week I have started making the #1 most important + focus is to do more cleaning - 断舍离 & and feel happy about i

All seven days I have done little clear up

  • cleaned up the mail/documents piled up on the table

  • put away the clothes that piled up on the orange recliner in the bedroom

  • changed out the fall/winter shoes and stored away the summer shoes

  • folded one drawer of the clothes in the closet

  • favorited the recent kids photos

  • sorted out the clothes for Kiki and for donations

Small progress but they make me really happy! So will keep it up next week!

Watching Movies Together

Watching Movies Together

Roberto's in Sunnyvale

Roberto's in Sunnyvale