
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

The Dancing Cat - Cat Cafe

The Dancing Cat - Cat Cafe

Jia proposed to check out a cat cafe as our new experience task for this week and he looked it up and the closest one is in San Jose. (There are some in SF and Oakland too)

So we went to the Dancing Cat for our 4pm appointment. To be honest, I didn't do much research as I was still recovering and Jia took care of most of the research, reservation, etc. When I first walked in, I was not too sure whether taking a 2.5 year old toddler to a cat cafe is a good idea. Surprisingly, Caius had a lot of fun there. He can't help himself to run a couple steps but most of the time, he was able to make slow movements. He also used soft voice and gently padded the cats. The cat toys and books also fascinated him so he spent some time playing the cat toys and read the books with us. At one point he said between me and a cat to read books and patting the cat here and there. That was really cute.

The cafe is very clean and neatly decorated. I like they limit the number of people per hour so it really makes the experience more relaxing. It is remodeled from a home so it has the homely feel and the cat toys and furnitures are neatly organized across the house. So it is easy to find a spot to observe, play, pad the cats. Or simply just do nothing and enjoy and relax youself. 

I really like the concept and believe the cats live much a happier life here than the shelter. Each cat is either up for adoption or foster and has a unique personality. The staffs are all volunteers and really take care of the cats and make the visitors feel at home.

If you are thinking about adopting or look for a place to hang out or relax, check this place out! They also host yoga or small private events!


Daily Planning - start from the night before

Daily Planning - start from the night before

Rotary Playgarden

Rotary Playgarden