
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

Magic Mountain Playground and Touch-A-Truck in one day!

Magic Mountain Playground and Touch-A-Truck in one day!

Saturday Family Fun Day! Jia suggested we go up to the city and I searched around to see what activities are available and we decided to do “Touch-A-Truck 2018.” The reason is Caius really likes cars , trucks and trains. He has watched a lot of Youtube videos about those and recently he is actually making his own play way following those videos. See in the following video.

It took about 50-60 minutes to drive up to the Presidio National Park where the event will be. So on our way up, we stopped by to explore a new playground to us - Magic Mountain Playground in Coyote Point in San Mateo area.  It has a huge castle slide and different sections for different age groups and picnic benches and a huge open grass. It is close by the bay so a bit windy but the weather was nice. KK didn’t go up to the tall slide but he enjoyed the smaller one and as it is also by the shore and can see SF airport landing area, Jia took him to watch the airplanes landing too while I rested a bit on the bench. 

We got to “Touch-a-Truck 2018” in Main Post Lawn in Presidio National Park area around 1:20pm. There are like 12-15 vechiles parked on the road side - including fire trucks, police cars, cement truck, dump truck, recycling truck, etc. Many vendors have booths on the other side of the lawn and a petting zone in the end. Caius lined up for balloon, went to dump truck, police car etc. - the lines waiting for getting in the each vehicle is pretty long.  Luckily they have 3-4 food trucks so we settled for Chicken and Waffle. For thepetting zone, KK waited but just touched the bunny and said he is done and came out (like literally 20 seconds).


The big lawn close to the event (I think it is called Main Post Lawn) of the park is really nice. We left the event close to 3pm and just hung out on the lawn. There are some big red lounging chairs and we enjoyed relaxing there. Jia even looked up how to get those big red chairs for our yard (it might not fit though as they are so big).


It was a fun day packed with a lot of new explorations and we will come back soon to play and relax!

Try Protégé in "Palo Alto"? YES!

Try Protégé in "Palo Alto"? YES!

How Does Breast Cancer Affect a Person's Daily Life

How Does Breast Cancer Affect a Person's Daily Life