
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

Books 2019

Books 2019

The first book I finished in 2019 is Michelle Obama’s Becoming.

I was quite touched listening to it as she read the book herself. It is very intimate to hear her voice telling her own story. I didn’t follow politics closely so a lot of the things are new to me - how she grows up in a struggling neighborhood, how she was busy to succeed in the high achieving route to become a lawyer and tune down what she really enjoys, how she had some problems of her facial expression during campaigning for Obama to become president.

No matter how underprivileged you might be, you can still fight harder and show you got it! Yes, you need to work way harder, smarter, be focused, but there is a way. And Michelle Obama showed it in her book. It gives hope, possibility and proudness of her origins.

The second thing stood the most is how she took a huge pay deduction and followed her heart to become community outreach specialist. She earned such a comfortable life as a corporate lawyer but she admitted that is not fulfilling for her. She pivoted and she really went for it. I applaud to her courage and daring.

Movies - 2019

Movies - 2019

Breast Cancer Journal - 1 year

Breast Cancer Journal - 1 year