
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

2018 Recap

2018 Recap

2018 has been a challenging and uplifting year. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in the beginning of the year, went to surgery while I was 33 week pregnant, gave birth to Kiki in May, went to a small family trip at the beginning of Septemember and then a big family trip to Hawaii in December. I am grateful that I am here with the love of family and friends and will enjoy every second of 2019.

Here are the candid recaps of my 2018 goals:

1. Physical Health - 40%

  • Prep and fully recover from breast cancer and can do regular exercise with intensity like before - + 80% as the intensity part was not like before yet - I need to up my physical training part in 2019

  • I will happily be 115 pounds and 20 % body fat at the end of 2018 - not able to achieve

  • I will easily achieve at least 15 minutes of exercises/5 times a day - not able to achieve

  • I will follow the Chinese medicine theory to avoid the food that is not good with my body - + 80% still need to cut down the sugar/cold stuffs intake

2. Emotional Strength and Karma - 85% not bad!

  • Have a great daily routine to appreciate and be in control 95% of the days (measured by perspective journal) - I lost about 3 weeks’ perspective journal as I was in the horrible toothache time and felt not motivated about keeping the journal so will say 90% on this task

  • Consistently doing the morning/evening routines 90% of the days (record) - 80%

  • Complete a 30-day Ritual Challenge to be more positive and happy - I have “cheated” both 30 day ritual challenge so will just give myself a 0 here and hope in 2019 to redeem this

  • Utilize the resource to guide through self awareness & growing - 70% of the time/week I have worked not his

  • Overcome to ups and downs from Breast Cancer - I still feel I sometimes will fall in the dark place but realize recognizing those moments is important. Jia has said I was handling this quite well so I will give myself a 90%

  • Overcome to up and down from Child Birth - I had the depression time in the first couple weeks after Kiki was born but has overcome it. - 100%

3. Family/Work Life Balance (relationship/family/friends) - 90% I have to point out that overall has been quite good but towards the end of the year when my work got crazily busy, I was impatient with Jia and he definitely reflects that is something we could work on in 2019

  • Happily enjoy a fun family vacation in November, creating fun and magic moments and the process of it - this was postponed to December Hawaii trip. It was very memorable but I have to say the prepping time for it has been quite difficult so I will deduct some points as it has been a curse for Jia and me that we always argue a bit in planning a big trip - 80%

  • Prep for new baby’s place and welcome him and transition to a two kids home - 100%

  • Plan and do a March/April trip - This was not applicable after we found out my breast cancer situation in Feb.

  • Plan and do a Tahoe trip as traditions - This was done with friends in Jan so 100%

  • Have once a month gather/meet up with friends and create more interactions - 95% I am very happy about it.

  • September short trip - We used our booking on airbnb from march trip to this one. And Jia and I and two kids were enjoying our first trip together! 100%

  • Every week try something new to experience more together - 50% as some weeks we are so busy to look for something new.

  • Enjoy the process and finish home cabin and landscape project - this was delayed due to the permit issue

  • Enjoy the process and finish the rental kitchen/half bath remodel project - 80% this was done but I have to say the process has been a bit painful as we didn’t have a general contractor or architect to care for all the details

4. Career & Business - 30% this wasn’t the focus and could be improved in 2019

  • Summarize the previous projects and find ways to organize better for future projects - 10%

  • Update the work portfolio - 10%

  • Improve productivity guru and everyday getting input from online/practice/refine - 50%

  • Set up the blog and have a trial run - 70%

  • Love the process and share with people how to accelerate every aspect of their lives on a weekly basis -30%

5. Finance - 75%

  • Make money through online business by 2018 - didn’t achieve

  • Have a good start on airbnb - have it automated by end of 2018 - 100%

  • Prepare to see whether Make a house investment - 100%

  • Make a personal etrade and consider index fund investment - 100%

6. Personal and Spiritual Growth - need to refine the priority of learning and focus in 2019 - 60%

  • Easily learn from resources to develop my leadership skills and help change peoples lives -70%

  • I will easily continue studying different productivity method and share my learning - 70%

  • I will easily read 12 books to enhance my knowledge, mindset and skills - this was modified to podcast/online course/books - 70%

  • Contribution - $5k - 60%

  • Piano -30%

2019 Goals

2019 Goals

 Montalvo Arts Center in Saratoga

Montalvo Arts Center in Saratoga