
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

1st family trip (four of us) to Gualala

1st family trip (four of us) to Gualala

This Labor Day was our first family trip with Kiki and KK - only four of us. Mom is visiting her friend and get some well-deserved some break from us.

Originally I booked this picturesque house by the cliff to celebrate J’s bday in March but with the cancer diagnose unveiled in Feb and the need to prep for the surgery, we thought it was best to delay the trip. Luckily for that, we have a destination we will just have to bring the kids. It is also a test to see whether we can handle two with no help! We managed alright and even sleep trained Kiki a bit. :)

It was a long way to drive to Gualala as we dropped off Mom to SF and stopped in Sausalito for lunch. Then it is almost 6pm we reached the house - it is a very seclusive house right by the cliff with all the windows at the back of the house facing the open sea. The view is breathtaking. It makes J and I wonder whether we should just retire in a place we can see the ocean.

On Sat and Sun, we also checked out the Sea Ranch (debating whether we want to live there), visited the Gualala Point Regional Park (cute story tour for kids), drove to Fort Bragg, passed by Big River and KK had so much fun playing on the sand/mud there. The Glass beach at Fort Bragg must be nice but was packed with people as it feels all the people from the Mendocino County have swarmed in the tiny beach.

The most precious time is just us as a four person family hanging out with each other. Seeing our two boys hanging out with each other on the couch in the airbnb, and KK staying in the lounge chair with J on the back yard, me and J using the hot tub after the kids sleep. All these are so precious.

And on our way home, to satisfy my craving for oysters, J made special stops at the Bodega Bay - Hog Island Oyster!

Family trip is precious. <3

How to set goals

How to set goals

Say no to bully and be kind to others