
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

Breast Cancer Update

Breast Cancer Update

7 months after being diagnosed with Breast Cancer, I am trying to put all these behind me and going in the monitoring /regular checking route. So Sept 10 Monday afternoon I went it for a mammogram. I was really hoping to put all these BC thing behind me if the result would be normal.

That is probably why I feel irritated when I saw the message of asking me for a further screening. Why can’t I just be left alone and no need to think about all these things? It definitely dampened my mood. I let Jia know right away after I scheduled my screening time - another mammogram and ultrasound. :(

Well, what can I do? In the mean time, it is better to be happy and enjoy every day a bit more.

Mountain Terrace

Mountain Terrace

How to set goals

How to set goals