
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

Say no to bully and be kind to others

Good people are easier being bullied? Sorry, I am kind, tolerant, but I would never agree to be bullied by you.

KK is generally speaking a gentle boy and easy going with other kids. So we never worry he is rough or he will bully others. On the contrary, when some other more “out-going” and “aggressive” kids are around, he normally just avoids the conflicts - he sometimes allow other kids grab things from his hands or silently moved away from them. I have been paying attention and trying to let him know that he has rights to stand up for himself and own his stuffs. Other people need to get permissions from him first before they want to get his stuffs.

Recently when KK behaved well and had his teeth brushed, I would let him get a sticker (of course - the transportation theme) and he will put it on his shirt. His friends at day care are jealous of the stickers for sure as his teacher said they all tried to touch it and some will try to take it.

One day last week he came home without the sticker and when I asked whether he played with his BFF outside, he said no, he took my stickers away. The following day he was still upset an didn’t play with his BFF. I used the opportunity to let him know he can simply tells his friends that it is his and please don’t take his stuffs away. We even practiced a couple rounds and he will say “no, it is mine. Don’t take it away!”

Yesterday he went in with two stickers and he lost the smaller one on top but apparently he was using what he learned to refuse his friends taking his stickers.


This is a Chinese saying that I want my sons to be able to understand.

During dinner, sometimes he will just grab my Apple Watch and press to see his photo (I have favorite photos rotating as my watch screen). So I also used the opportunity to let him know since the watch belongs to me, he needs to ask for permission before he can grab it. It is a bit harder as he is used to it but after a couple times, he will say “can I touch your watch?”

So the first half is communicated with him. I will need to see how to get the second half across. Sometimes he wants or likes something, he will naturally wants me or daddy to like it too. We did try to explain everyone’s preference is different but so far he still insists on what he likes, we need to like too.

1st family trip (four of us) to Gualala

1st family trip (four of us) to Gualala

The BIG day! Caius 3 year old party really happened!