
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

The BIG day! Caius 3 year old party really happened!

Really appreciate mom taking Kiki there - although we failed to take any photo of the brothers together but the feeling Kiki is there really comforts me. People also have fun to check out Kiki and commented how much he looks like daddy. Kiki is also being him - always smiling to people who talk to him - amazing personality and no crying at all.

The party didn’t go as planned as we were hoping to occupy the table closest to the train playground with shades. But it was occupied when Jia went there at 7:30am. So we had to take a place without any shade - luckily Jennifer not only. Helped with all the party activities and set up the major kids parts, she also amazingly got her canopies from home and saved our day!!

I really think she is amazing in planning and making the party happen - her tables and chairs for kids are well suitable for the kids, the painting table (to paint wooden trains) is a hit, the adjacent track table compliments the activities. Most amazingly she made all these train boxes the kids can wear and they had so much fun! The punch walls with candies are so popular with kids too!

KK was very happy and well behaved to help set up the table and run errands from 10 to 11:20. He was a bit bored towards the end so his eyes opened up widely when he saw Lucas coming! Then they ran off to the train playground right away! So glad Andrea and Noel were there to watch them. Then the friends came over gradually and they all went to the playground.

I am also very happy to see Tina - it has been such a long time!

By 12:20ish, the kids and parents came back to our area and we had the pizzas just in time for them! KK went to painting table to paint his train while all other kids are eating at the table. The parents are very nice to make room for him when he finally joined the friends. Then after lunch the kids all went to the painting table - but of course when we said who wanted Cake? They all came to the cake table! The cake is a hit as everyone wants the balloons and the Thomas part of the cake. After they ate the cake, Jennifer had them all in the train boxes - they are so cute!!! Then the candy punch wall. KK is really gentle, he got a couple candies and then he moved away, feeling content with what he got. Different kids definitely have different personality as some of his friends keep digging and getting more and more!

After all the activities, things slowed down and people are gradually leaving from 1:30pm. By 2:20pm only a few of us left! Really appreciate Andrea/Noel/Lalo and some other parents helping us to clean up and take down things.

The party is definitely fun but I was so exhausted afterwards!

Say no to bully and be kind to others

Don't waste time!