
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

Best tip to transition from one kid to two kids

Best tip to transition from one kid to two kids

Many friends asked me how is my transition from having one kid to two kids? Technically speaking it shouldn’t be that hard, right? As we are going over the same thing we experienced before. But energy and time wise, it is really not as simple as 1+1. Having two kids are much more than 1+1. It is more like 1+3. 
When we just had Caius, everything is hard in a sense that we had never experienced it, so we were not sure what to do. But time wise, we can alternate to take care of him.
Now that we have both Ciaran and Caius, not only we need to meet with Caius’ emotional needs for being with him, but also need to spend time playing with him and taking care of some of his basic needs. And we also need to take of Ciaran 24/7. So everything is like multiplying. 

Currently Kiki (Ciaran) is only a little over 1 month old. So it is very hard as most of the time I am sleep deprived. The first week probably was the hardest as Caius (KK) was still a bit not sure what is going on and was a bit jealous and wanted to make sure daddy and mommy are still his. He asked a lot for us to play with him and was a bit emotional when we can’t. 

So BEST TIP during this transition? - pay attention to your elder child first as he/she knows and senses and has much more feelings. We devoted to meet his attention needs. It was tough as I was still physically recovering but the awards are very obvious. KK quickly feels safe and understands we still love him as much as before. After only a couple days, he was much better and stopped continuously asking us to be with him. KK also started liking the littler brother and helped to comfort him and giving him stuffs. 

Second best tip? It is totally worthy to prepare gifts for the new born and the elder one at home. KK still showed off the cars that his little brother “gave” him. 

A lot of other moms said it was after 3-4 months that things started getting a lot easier. And I am looking forward to have some more “me” time when Kiki grows to have more interactions. 

I had some very solid systems regarding efficiency and productivity when I just needed to take care of Caius. However, with Ciaran coming in the picture, I need to drastically change my strategy. 

Would love to share more when the systems are refined.
What is your ways of regaining control when you have two kids? 

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