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0-1 Year Old Baby Schedule Guide

0-1 Year Old Baby Schedule Guide

How to arrange the schedule of feeding and sleeping for your baby

0~6 weeks


At this stage, usually babies sleep about 1-2 hours each time. But sometimes they can sleep at any time. So don't look for a fixed schedule during this stage. Feed the baby based on demand.

Don't make the room too dark during the day, nor do you need to be quiet. Just act normal during the day time. At night do not turn on bright lights, keep quiet, don't play with the baby.

6 weeks to 3 months


At this stage, babies gradually understand the differences between day and night. They can sleep at night longer. From now on, you can guide your baby to establish the habit of “eat-play-sleep” and make daily routines more regular. Babies need around four naps during the day (including the one in late afternoon/early evening) and that is around 16-18 hours of sleep each day.

You don't have to feed your baby immediately after he/she wakes up. Try to play with your baby for a while before feeding. After the meal, try to play for a while and then let them sleep. Separating eating and sleeping can effectively prevent the situation of babies falling asleep during feeding. 

4~8 months


A 4-month-old baby can wake up about 2 hours each time, and needs 3 naps during the day (including the one in late afternoon/early evening) .
At this stage, babies need 14-15 hours of sleep every day.
After 6 months, you can start adding solid food 1-2 times to milk supplies every day.
If your baby likes to eat solid food, your should first feed the baby milk; if the baby does not eat much food, put it between two servings of milk. 

After the solid food is added, the amount of milk needed will gradually decrease  from 1000 ml when babies are at 4 months to about 800 ml at 8 months.

The experts say there's no advantage to introducing your baby to foods in any particular order. Just be sure to introduce them one at a time, waiting at least three days before trying another new food, to check for an allergic reaction.

9~12 months


After 9 months, most babies no longer need to sleep the late afternoon/early evening nap. They only take a nap in the morning and the afternoon, and they can fall asleep early at night as needed. Babies need around 14 hours of sleep every day during this stage.
From the 10th month onwards, solid food could be gradually increased to 3 times a day. If your baby is full with solid food, there is no need to follow with milk immediately, as long as the daily milk intake is not less than 600ml.


At this stage, the amount of milk intake every day gradually decreases from 800 ml at 8 months to about 600 ml at 1 year old.

Any schedule guide should only be used as a reference, please adjust it based on individual needs.
Each baby's food intake and the schedule are also different. Arrange accordingly.

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Ortega Park, Sunnyvale, CA

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