
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

How does breast cancer surgery affect breast feeding

How does breast cancer surgery affect breast feeding

It has been a full month I didn't write anything! Having a new born is really a 24 hours job. I am so happy to let everyone know that Kiki is a healthy baby. To be honest, I am a bit worried whether the lumpectomy and all the Chinese medicine treatments would have some negative effects on the child birth or on him. Luckily everything went smoothly and he has been home with us for almost one month!

One of the biggest question when I had lumpectomy is whether the surgery will affect the breastfeeding as a part of my right breast tissue was removed. The first time when the nurse tried to squeeze the first milk - colostrum, she was only able to do so on the left one. Then after a couple hours I also tried on my right - like really hard squeeze and it came out a bit. 

The first couple days Kiki definitely like the left breast more than right one. I can see the right one is shaped different and might be harder for him to suck on. Right side is also more "stuck" - like harder to get the milk out. And I can feel the milk is forming lumps around right side and hard for Kiki or the pump to get it out. 

Luckily Dr. Yang suggested the Chinese method and also prescribe me some Chinese medicine to make the milk flow better. After 3-4 days struggle, finally it flows better on the right side! And every time I follow doctor's suggestion to have Kiki suck the right side first. So it flows better and better. It is still less (like at least 1/3 less than left side) but flowing normally now. And the side effect is left side is flowing too much - so I actually will have to collect the milk on the left side while feeding Kiki on the right side. 

Not too sure what I will do when I go back to work but for now it is good as based on the doctor's suggestion - we really want the milk production to keep up and also get the circulation better. Every day Kiki is helping me with that! :) 

It is not easy to say no to re-excision lumpectomy

It is not easy to say no to re-excision lumpectomy

0-1 Year Old Baby Schedule Guide

0-1 Year Old Baby Schedule Guide