
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

Rotary Playgarden

Rotary Playgarden

We needed to find a playground for Caius between 3-4pm (our reservation at the cat cafe is at 4pm) close to San Jose downtown. And the Rotary Playgarden seems pretty cool at online review so we headed over to check it out. 

It is a new park and I would recommend to bring kids over if you are in the neighborhood as pros listed below


  • large and has variety of different activities

  • ample places for parents to sit around

  • it is very close to the airpots so the kids can also look at the planes that fly over right above their heads once every few minutes

  • it is new so quite clean


  • there are not much trees or shading areas so it could be very hot

  • if the parents are not fond of the airplane noises, every couple minutes they would be annoyed by the planes passing by


The Dancing Cat - Cat Cafe

The Dancing Cat - Cat Cafe

Bertucelli's La Villa Deli - highly recommended

Bertucelli's La Villa Deli - highly recommended