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Bertucelli's La Villa Deli - highly recommended

Bertucelli's La Villa Deli - highly recommended

Bertucelli’s La Villa1319 Lincoln Ave San Jose, CA 95125 (Willow Glen)

Nowadays we often take Caius to Happy Hallow in the afternoon after his nap, stayed there 1.5-2 hours. Then we will look for a place to get early dinner. 

We have tried the Table but sometimes prefer a casual place to sit outside - we found it today! I saw the raving reviews and decided to try it. We were there around 5:20pm and they are packed with people. Later on I understood the ones who wander around are locals as they know to pick up a number (we thought that was for the salad bar/cold dish section and didn't pick up a number - I should have read the Yelp reviews more carefully) and the ones like us who line up are newbies. The crowd is half and half. Finally the staff understood we just stood there in line without a number and being nice enough to get numbers for us and continue with my order. 

We got BBQ plate, mild Italian sausage sandwich (apparently I left out the sandwich part as the food is only sausage and grill pepper/onions), breadsticks, cheese, drinks and desserts. Then we sat outside in the patio and enjoyed the yummy food. Caius really likes the bread stick. And the BBQ plate comes with ravioli and a cold pasta - and they are so yummy. I am normally not a huge ravioli fan but totally like this one. The sausage is delicious but I will say the BBQ ribs are really tasty. The tiramisu is really good. We are very happy with everything. Definitely will come back again and make this a regular spot after Happy Hollow. And I will remember to take a number next time right after I enter the shop! 


Rotary Playgarden

Rotary Playgarden

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