
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

2018 Hawaii Trip - big family trip

2018 Hawaii Trip - big family trip

The long-awaited family trip finally came! It was long over due - as I was really hoping to get away in November already.

Planning and preparing this trip was not easy due to hard to coordinate everyone’s time and also Jia and I always have different opinion how to travel (with car seats? luggages etc.). But in the end, it was so worthy to go through all the ups and downs in preparation as every one is super happy about the trip.

We did our best in planning as we picked the right island - Oaha, as it has the most activities for the family so Jia’s parents and KK all have fun. Kiki being the the good baby is always happy along with us. We debated whether we should stay in the Waikiki area or the Kailua area. We know we would enjoyed more from Airbnb and the rentals by the time I was looking (4 months before the trip) Waikiki doesn’t have many 3 bedroom options, so we opted for Kailua. In the end we think it is still a good decision but when Kiki is more mobile, maybe Waikiki won’t be a bad choice either.

The trip is not like the ones we had before without kids that we could do anything we want any time. But we are still so grateful that it is nice and relaxing. We couldn’t go anywhere that is fancy or have romantic dinner etc. But we are able to enjoy it with our kids. I feel it is so important as during the work days, Kiki is with grandparents all the time and I miss him. So hanging out with him and KK has made the highlight of our trip. There are a lot of interactions we can do with Caius and really enjoy seeing him jumping in the sand holes and play tags with him on the beach. 

We hung out at kids friendly beach all day long and the first couple days I carried Kiki and Jia played with KK. But Kiki is quite heavy then Jia carried the later part of the trip and I run with KK and it was so much fun! I didn’t remember when it was like that last time I had to try to run full speed. :) 

Grandparents got awarded as they can take some break and explore. It seem they had a lot of fun too. There are also two days that they helped us with the kids so Jia and I got to rent the kayak and really had alone time for 1 hour. :) But we were rushing to paddle to see the kids. It was a lot of fun. The Kayak trip made the highlight for me.

And here is the video for the longer version instead of just two snippets for each day as there are so many photos and videos!

 Montalvo Arts Center in Saratoga

Montalvo Arts Center in Saratoga

To be born in a family

To be born in a family