
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.



What is bliss to you? When was the last time you had it? These were some questions from the Radio Lab story about Bliss. The dictionary definition of Bliss is “perfect happiness; great joy.”

The episode started with a video in youtube of Aleksander Gamme after almost 3 months of walking in Arctic digging the supplies he buried 3 months ago in the cache. And he was so bliss that he got some “yummy” food and he was screaming and laughing as he dug out the food items.

So the episode talked about the bliss and how we get there and I also try to remember when I was the last time that I felt bliss - was it seeing Kiki’s first smile or KK saying I love you mommy? Then I remembered watching KK’s Xmas Performance last Nov that I can’t control my smile/laughter and felt my heart was melted.

Peter in the episode mentioned before in order for him to get happy, normally it looks a couples steps and he would be there but now it took him to take half a day airplane and went to Haiti and sat at the beach. Do we easily loose sight of the pure happiness in our daily life and blindly look for the materialistic rewards?

I hope I would come back more often and enjoy the simple joy in my life .

And I remember long long time ago when I was in my teens, I wrote down the following things that will bring a smile/warmth in my heart:

  • The smell of the grasses

  • The sunshine and blue sky

  • The breeze that gently touch my face

  • The sight of waves

It seems most of these were connected with nature as I was in the teens at that time. Then to add more to the list:

  • The soreness after a good work out

  • The contagious laughs from KK/Kiki

  • The touching hands with J

  • The silly expressions KK made

  • The “I love you” from my family

Great food 2019

Great food 2019

self acceptance and self confidence

self acceptance and self confidence