
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

Breast Cancer Journal - 1 year

Breast Cancer Journal - 1 year

Today marks the 1 year after I heard the word “cancer” in my biopsy diagnose. Originally I told J I didn’t want to do anything around Valentine’s Day as it was bad luck two years in a row (two years ago I found out my pregnancy was ectopic and last year I found out I had breast cancer). But on second thought, I decided that I want to celebrate this year - I have survived one year’s up and down and both J and I deserve a quiet night outing with only two of us.

I am excited that one of the restaurant I wanted to try still have time at 8:30pm open so I booked it. We could make KK almost ready to bed and need Nainai to help take over after that. Look forward to it!

As for breast cancer, it is still not completely out in my life yet. I didn’t update after last September’s mammograms as I was a bit frustrated that a lump was found in my left breast this time. The suggested procedure was to do biopsy again and then surgery if confirmed to be cancer again. I opted not to go with this route based on what happened last time - everything will be rushed and decision needs to be made immediately. We don’t know whether the lump is new or old - whether when my right breast was cut whether the lump in the left already existed because I was pregnant at that time and no mammogram was performed. So I gathered my courage and said let me wait, let’s observe it half a year or one year and let’s see what will happen. In the mean time, I am using the alternative medicine approach to adjust my body. I wouldn’t know whether I make correct decision but at this moment, it is the best that calms my mind and my body. I will prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Looking back this one year, I am thankful. I have so many people around me who love me and care about me. I have two adorable kids and one super supportive husband. I have so many friends that send me positive thoughts and supports.

Books 2019

Books 2019

Healthy = Mind and Body are Well

Healthy = Mind and Body are Well