
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

Manga - childhood love till now

Manga - childhood love till now

Recently I got hooked on reading online manga. Not just the random ones but from my favorite cartoonist - あだち充 - his stories still make me have chills.

I read most of his earlier mangas when I was in high school - the first one probably is Touch, then Slow Step, Rough, H2, Rainbow Color, etc. At those days, all my savings went to buying the books. Many years later, I came across his manga “Cross Game” and now is following Mix. I asked myself why I love his work so much and why it still can resonate with me even though I am no longer his typical reader type (no longer a juvenile). I guessed this sentence in Wiki describing him really well - there is something pure and sincere how Anda depicted passionate and youthful sports field, a pure and subtle love, and a sincere warm friendship. Therefore, even till now I am still deeply touched by his work. I guess I would like to live in his work - where people are pure and sincere, where the bad guys normally got punished.

I guess I am still that girl many years ago - wishing the world is fair and people are sincere.

Don't waste time!

Start working after maternity leave and BC surgery

Start working after maternity leave and BC surgery