
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

Breast Cancer Update 4/8 - Tips about Recovery

Breast Cancer Update 4/8 - Tips about Recovery

Like I described in the previous post, the pain is tremendous and here are some of the methods I was using to deal with it.

1. Prepare at least two supportive, comfortable bra for at least 3-4 days. And wear them even when sleeping. This is a bit hard for me as I am also pregnant so supportive/sport bra also make my skin irritated. So it is like when I am still and in a good position, I try not to wear the supportive bra. But if you can, wear them 24/7 (Note: don't wear a bra too tight - it really needs to fit perfectly - I wore one that is too tight for a brief couple minutes and it almost make the wound area worse.)

2. Since the first couple days the pain will be everywhere, I suggest no going out anywhere - even car ride could be extremely uncomfortable. I thought I was just sitting in the car and do nothing but because the body actually will move naturally because of inertia, I realize all the loose tissues (definitely the breast and armpit area) also move - and we don't want them to move at all, as every little movement caused pain. Not to mention there is road bumps, stop signs, red lights that are impossible to avoid. So stay home and DO NOTHING!

3. Sleep. The best way to recover is to rest. I had a very hard time sleeping - half because of the pain, half because I am pregnant. So I tried to sleep when my body tells me to. And at night, I cut down the screen time and read a paper book to prepare to sleep.

4. Prepare a recliner or an area in the sofa with many pillow to make into a comfortable position. So relax there and have the feet up if possible (my feet are swollen). Sleep or read a book or watch a movie/show on iPad. Just keep the mind away from the pain in a comfortable still position really helps. Yes, still stand up once a couple hours to walk around a bit. 

5. When feeling better, do walk around a bit. I practiced stable walk - so keep the upper body as still and level as possible between steps - it is like walking slowly and nothing move in the upper body.

6. Use the good hand side only! (I really don't know how women have bilateral lumpectomy handle all these recovery days. Admire their strengths and sending them lots of good energy!) Whatever I try to do, I have to remind myself to use my left hand - I am a right hand person so this is a bit tough. 

Breast Cancer Update 4/9 - Result Day

Breast Cancer Update 4/9 - Result Day

Breast Cancer Update 4/7 - Waiting Game

Breast Cancer Update 4/7 - Waiting Game