
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

10 Family Rules

These are the 10 family rules I would like to have my family abide by:

Rule 1: Be Kind
If you see someone, say hello first  
After accepting any favor or help, you must give thanks verbally or in writing
If you ever cause trouble to others, you must apologize in person  

If you look at the first rule, it will make sense right away. Many children, and even adults, do not know common etiquette or even common social norms. The reason for this is because they were not trained to do so at a young age. It has caused the child to become nervous or anxious in social situations. They were never good at getting along with others. When they had help, they didn't know how to properly show thanks. And when they offended others, they didn't know how to deal with the repercussions.

We maintain this rule to help us overcome our social fears and become confident adults.

Rule 2: Self-Cultivation  
In public when talking, keep in mind your surroundings and control your volume  
What you want to do now may not be the best for the future
Consider the feelings of others first  

If a child isn’t taught how to control themselves, they can cause a lot of issues later in life. When they grow up, they could become a bad influence on society.

Parents are able to give their children the best gift of all, teaching them how to cultivate their own being. If you were to compare teaching and cultivation, cultivation is much more important. It is necessary to develop a vision, a goal, for both a child and their parents. It isn’t easy to implement, but none the less important.

Rule 3: Trust
Not willing to talk to Dad, then can only tell Mom  
Not willing to talk to Mom, then can only tell Dad
You must talk to either of them  
You can depend on Mom and Dad  
Don’t bottle up your feelings

The most important thing in any family is trust, understanding, and care.

What is most fearful at home is the lack of communication. Some people grow up slowly. After making a family, they still face the problem of communicating with their loved ones. As long as you follow this family rule, remember that you cannot laugh at your child, and you must keep secrets for your children. If you follow this rule, there will be no indifference, alienation, or hostility.

Rule 4: Integrity
Honesty is the best virtue   
The best way to lose friends is to lie
You can also lose the trust of family members
You will regret this forever

Sincerity is the foundation for the family. Don’t fight among family members. Opening up to each other is the only way to create a great family.

Rule 5: Don’t be a punching bag
If you can't avoid a fight, fight fairly
That doesn’t mean you can be sly  
Mom wants you to win  
And never become punching bags  

How does one deal with conflicts between children? Or, when a child experiences school bullying, what should parents do? The helpless people avoid the problem and hope that the bullying will stop one day. This is possible, but before this, parents should respect the laws of human nature and teach children to be brave, how to not give in, and avoiding violence. Do not fear violence, nor believe in violence, but resolve violence. This is the correct way to deal with the issue.

Rule 6: Picking up the money
Pick up the coins that fell on the ground
You can take it home and save it  
But don’t steal what isn’t yours  

Rule 7: Kindness

If others treat you food  
And you don't like it
You can say "I am full"  
But you can't say "I don’t like it"  

This family rule is important. It’s important to remember other’s kindness, even if you’re not enjoying yourself. Be good, be kind, and others will reciprocate. 

It’s not fair to say something that hurts others. It’s just mean, not kind. Be honest, be kind, and know how to respect others.

Rule 8: Respect
All food was at one point alive
Remember where it came from, and respect the work that went into it  

Thank those who make food for their hard work. This family rule is the respect of nature. This kind of education is far easier to achieve results than simply saying "don’t waste".

  Rule 9: Self-confidence   
Don't compare yourself with others  
Just like names and appearance are different.  
Everyone is unique  
The world is so diverse and interesting, 
Life is so colorful.  

Whether a child or an adult, don’t compare one’s life with another.

People with low self-esteem are accustomed to using their own shortcomings to compare with other’s success. This makes those people jump between extreme inferiority and vain arrogance. 

Rule 10 – Be strong and protect yourself
When you are in danger and feel it is necessary, 
Just remember that your life is more important than any rules.  
When you encounter bad guys alone or are in danger
The only one who is able to protect you - is you  

All the rules of the world are established under normal circumstances.

The so-called normal situation is that you are faced with a kind, good-hearted person. Their behavior or manners are rational and predictable.

Sometimes, in extreme cases, some people who seem harmless may suddenly become dangerous.

At this time, all the etiquette and rules, rules and regulations, are all gone - there is only you. You must know how to protect yourself; how to save yourself!

Potty Training Incident

Alameda Point Antiques Faire & CK Restaurant

Alameda Point Antiques Faire & CK Restaurant