
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

Motherhood - 为母则强

Motherhood - 为母则强

With my mom’s help covering me to take care of Ciaran, I gradually am able to meet up with some friends. This helps me greatly as I think as a woman, we naturally need to socialize, we get relaxation from meeting up with friends, recharge ourselves and learn from each other. 

I got some great compliments from my friends regarding how strong I was handling cancer issues while being pregnant. And they wonder how I could do it. Thinking back, I was afraid and sad sometimes too. But I know I have to be strong for my two boys and my husband. I have to be centered and calm as I am the pillar of the household (I often joke with my husband that he is the foundation and I am the pillar - without one being strong, the household would collapse). 

A couple days ago, while I was reading some Chinese articles, this phrase jumped out in my eyes: 女子本弱,为母则强
I don’t like the direct translation from google as it translates as females are weak and the mothers are strong - I don’t think the first part is true. We as girls or women might be physically weaker than men but by no means we are weak. I would like to translate it as “Females are soft, when they become mothers, they become strong.” 

Looking back, before I became a mother, when the sun is scorching, I looked for shades from my hubby. After I am a mom, I will block the sun for my sons. So had I found out I have breast cancer without being a mom, I might be more sentimental and less centered. 

Motherhood is really an amazing experience. 

Alameda Point Antiques Faire & CK Restaurant

Alameda Point Antiques Faire & CK Restaurant

5 simple ways to stay motivated every day

5 simple ways to stay motivated every day