
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

5 simple ways to stay motivated every day

5 simple ways to stay motivated every day

It might sound crazy to say there is a benefit of breast cancer - it motivates me greatly. Of course people shouldn’t need to get breast cancer or illness to get motivated. The simple way is to think about DEATH - knowing that you have finite time in life helps you to focus on things that matter the most to you. Remind yourself constantly everything we do is to actualizing ourselves in this life. 

Some motivation coach would ask people to write down the days they have left until they are 70 or 80 every morning. So there is a number in mind that our days are not limited. For example if I think I can still live another 40 years, I will write 14,600 days. Then next day it will be 14,599 days. Knowing you have limited time to do the things you want will help you to focus and stayed motivated.

Before breast cancer, I got bogged down in the mundane activities in life - yes I finish my tasks, my to do lists, my projects, my work, my house chores, but thinking back, it is like spinning in circles. And most of the time I also spent my time with entertainments (movies, shows, online shopping, social media etc.) and can’t enough of Game of Thrones. 

Now knowing what matters the most to me - my family and my goals of helping others, I would focus on those and remind myself first thing in the morning about these goals.

So here are my tips of 5 simple ways to get motivated:

  1. Realize there is finite time left and give yourself a specific days “you have left”

  2. Review your goals again first in the morning. Pick one item that will move your forward the most to achieve your goal and accomplish it today.

  3. Find time - Just simply ask myself “Do you want to be actualizing or do you want to be entertained?” Nowadays we don’t have a lot of superfluous time. So timing becomes an important factor and when we decide something is important, make that the first things we do.

  4. Celebrate small wins - no matter how small progress/small wins you get, you actually break the inertia of stay being mediocre. So pat yourself on the shoulder and celebrate it!

  5. Award yourself breaks - we can’t be on 24/7, the peak performance is achieved by having hard works and ideal breaks. So definitely schedule in breaks during your deep works. I normally make those my awards and they feel so good.

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