
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

It is not easy to say no to re-excision lumpectomy

It is not easy to say no to re-excision lumpectomy

I was listening to Brian Johnson's Conquering Cancer 101 and 102 (https://www.optimize.me/cancer/) and really resonated that it is hard for patients to say no or to be in the equal position to discuss treatment plans with the doctors. As patients, we most of the time feel we are powerless and we don't know as much as the doctors. Therefore most of the time we will just go with what the doctors recommend. It is a very stressful situation and we need to go through a lot of information and there is never only one voice. Also in this situation it is hard for us to listen to our intuitive as we go through all sorts of emotions. 

I am grateful that after my first surgery, because I need to give birth and breastfeed the baby, I have a little more time to think about re-excision. As I mentioned in my other post, my lumpectomy result doesn't have a clear margin, so I have 5 choices:

  1. Re-excision again to clear the margin (but needs to happen before 6 months after child birth) and no radiation

  2. Mastectomy

  3. Re-excision again to clear the margin + radiation

  4. Radiation only

  5. No surgery and nor radiation and go for alternative route

The medical team who are on my case strongly recommend 1 or 3 and if I want to breast feed for more than 6 months, option 2 could be a choice. To me, I and my Chinese doctor stand behind option 5. It is not like we do nothing about the cancer. We are well aware I might still have cancer cells in my body. But we believe by using alternative method, we are treating the body as a whole and get my body and mind strong and aim for the long tail. 

It is very hard for me to say no to the authority (the doctors) but I did it today as I believe and wish my gut feeling is right. And I started to following my alternative treatment plans in the following aspects.

  • Food (I am cutting off refined sugar and vegetable oil completely, and reduce a lot on flour. Also I follow the Chinese medicine to avoid some food that are not good for my body type.)

  • Movement/Excercise

  • Sleep

  • Mindset


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How does breast cancer surgery affect breast feeding

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