
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

Breast Cancer Update 4/9 - Result Day

Breast Cancer Update 4/9 - Result Day

I am really thankful for all the friends’ positive messages and care. I think feeling loved and supported is very crucial in the whole Cancer journey. I re-read many times the messages the friends sent over, which helped me pass this long week waiting for the result.

To be honest, I am a bit surprised that I am calm going to the appointment knowing that I will probably get the result then and had a sound nap before. Probably keeping a journal also contributes keeping a calm mind.

During the doctor appointment, the doctor said it is a mixed result (and I flinched a little hearing that) but after they break it down, I really take it more positively than they do. It is confirmed as non invasive cancer and only DCIS - which is a huge relief. They didn't find any trace of invasive cells. The mixed news is that the margin is positive which means I probably still have cancer cells and the doctor is recommending another surgery. I will need to meet with the surgeon and oncologist in next 2-3 weeks for the detailed treatment plan, as I still need to discuss about the radiation etc. 

I am thankful the cancer is not invasive cancer. 

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Breast Cancer Update 4/8 - Tips about Recovery

Breast Cancer Update 4/8 - Tips about Recovery