
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

Breast Cancer Update 3/8 - Eastern way of looking at Cancer

Breast Cancer Update 3/8 - Eastern way of looking at Cancer

On 2/23 I consulted with Candy (I am so lucky that I have met Candy through the biopsy procedure and asked for her help and opinions for my case). She and I clicked right away and she has such a kind heart. I called her recommended Chinese medicine doctor and made appointment- luckily I cleared up Friday afternoon schedule and really glad I got to meet with them both again to ask for a second opinion. They shared a lot of the Chinese medicine knowledge that made me feel I should have found them earlier to make my health better so I probably wouldn't have breast cancer. Overall, my understanding is that the Chinese medicine way look at the body as a unity and the reason cancer happened is the unbalance of the body and emotions that made some energy stuck. And after a long time it turns to a disease. We discussed our main goal of getting Chinese medicine help is to help me to rebalance my body and I can recover better from the surgery and also take care of my body after giving birth. 

We chatted a long time about my medical/health/emotion condition in the past. When you look back and connect the dots, they do seem to make sense. 

In the evening Dr. Han Lin even sent that medicine to my place as I persuaded Jia (he is sick with cold and fever) to take the Chinese medicine - I am just so thankful to meet him and Candy!

Also a quote from Candy

Cancer itself won't kill people. But the fear of cancer sometimes kills people. 

3/8 Jia doesn't understand Chinese medicine much so he is a bit concerned I took it into my overall treatment plan. As after consulting with two Chinese doctors and also my OB doctor whose mom went through Breast Cancer 30 years ago, and talking with friends, I am leaning more conservative approach. I also consider using Chinese medicine to adjust my overall health then we could go from there instead of the radiation plan.

In order to have him better understand, I invited Dr. Han Lin to see me at home and really appreciate how down to earth he is. He and Jia had a great discussion. He mentioned when he was in Florida treating cancer patients, he needs to explain a lot too and he welcomes any questions as the more exchanges we have, the better we understand. I am glad I am lucky to meet such nice people along my journey.

Jia was more open to the conservative surgery after we discussed with Dr. Han Lin and also consider it is good to include Chinese medicine to help me get better. He also saw my progress as my hands and feet are not cold any more after I drink the Chinese medicine in the past two weeks. 


Pacific Grove, March 2018

Pacific Grove, March 2018
