
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

Breast Cancer Update 4/7 - Waiting Game

Breast Cancer Update 4/7 - Waiting Game

Waiting is the hardest thing. This whole week other than feeling the pain, being positive to visualize full recovery with breathing exercise, rest. The other time are resisting overthinking and doubting during the waiting time. 

I have checked KP message and test result section a couple times on Friday but there was no update. 

To keep myself centered and calm, here is what I do -
1. Understand there is no much I can do until the result is out. Guessing now doesn’t help anything. 
2. I am hoping for the best but also prepared for the worst - trust I am surrounded by experts and supportive families and friends. I will be okay. 
3. Taking deep breaths when I am a bit anxious - 4 counts in and 8 counts out.
4. Keep myself busy - updating the blogs and finding reference materials that I want to share with Caius and baby help the time pass and focus my mind away from the pain. 
5. Project management and productivity in use - break down the days into smaller trucks and focus on different tasks. Don’t let the thoughts wonder. 

Breast Cancer Update 4/8 - Tips about Recovery

Breast Cancer Update 4/8 - Tips about Recovery

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