
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

Mom is leaving soon

Mom is leaving soon

Mom is going to leave soon - in a week she will be on the plane back home and will say bye to Kiki and us. My heart is full of gratitude for what she has done for me - she literally paused her life and to help me recover from child birth, to take care of Kiki for the early months, to cook so much delicious food for us. Sometimes I will feel sad about it as I don’t know when I will be able to live in the same house with mom for a long time again. I am afraid it could be one of the few times I would ever see mom again. So I remember some Chinese poem I learned as a kid


There will always be imperfect or setback in life, the key is how people think about setbacks. The world is inherently imperfect, and to be perfect requires “to be brave to accept imperfections."

We will lose a lot of things in our lives, the only way to accompany us is the way we look at the world.

Don't have to calculate too much about the present, and don't worry too much about the future. When you have experienced some things, the scenery in front of you is different from the past.

Enjoying the moment is the right way of life. So maybe I shouldn’t be sad but really embrace the moments while I still have mom living with me.

Queens Pumpkin Patch

Queens Pumpkin Patch

Mountain View art and music school