
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

Mountain View Thursday Night Live

This was the first time us taking KK to http://mountainviewdowntown.com/event/ on Castro street. The sections south of Villa Street on Castro was closed to traffic. So there are different kiosks of farmer’s market, local vendors, kids activities etc. 

We walked from the north to south. Just south to Villa street intersection, there is a huge rock climbing structure and a lot of kids lined up to get to try to do rock climbing. And then there are some farmers market booths. 

KK had a lot of fun. At the intersection with Dana Street, there is live music. A lot of folks were sitting there enjoying the live band and quite a few were dancing in front. He really enjoyed it and asked a few times to stay and watch.

South of California street there are classic cars on display. The day we went are different styles of Corvette. We didn’t get a chance to check out the display. As there are police car and fire truck in front of the intersection. They also handed out badge stickers and KK proudly put one on his shirt. There are quite a few kids activities there too. We spent quite some time watching KK joining many other kids playing the blue form blocks.

We would come back to let him enjoy the music and the activities. 

Carmel Valley Ranch - my birthday luxurious trip

Carmel Valley Ranch - my birthday luxurious trip

Potty Training Incident