
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

Breast Cancer Update 2/16 - Be open? Yes.

Breast Cancer Update 2/16 - Be open? Yes.

2/16 Second Day of survival diary
Couldn’t sleep well last night.  I want to document every day and let Caius and the soon-to-be-born baby know me more so no matter what happened , there is something they might know me from. I am always a more private type of person. So putting it out there is not really what I am used to. But isn’t sharing and connecting the way of healing?  

It is not too hard to forget about the Breast Cancer (BC) situation at work as I need to focus and work hard. It is always harder to think about how to tell others. Shall I just be transparent and let everyone know? Or shall I be the private type of person like I used to be and only tell necessary folks? I always feel there is no need to burden others about my own issue. But then being open about my disease is only true to my current situation. Maybe it is something I will discuss with Jia tonight. 

KK is very cute at home. We gave him red envelope and made him say the nice greeting words for CNY. After dinner, we took him out for a walk, which we usually don’t do. He was a bit afraid of dark and the area he is not familiar with. So he asked to go home and when he recognize home, he was much relaxed and played outside our house. Grateful Jia took care of his bath and also made him to sleep. 

Jia totally agrees with me that we should be open about my breast cancer condition. He thinks by being open with it, I can handle the situation better too. 

Breast Cancer Update 2/21 - Treatment Plan Discussion

Breast Cancer Update 2/21 - Treatment Plan Discussion

Breast Cancer 2/15 - the Date of Finding out

Breast Cancer 2/15 - the Date of Finding out