
Welcome to my blog. Mamamia journal is where I record my breast cancer journey and the things helping me improve every area of my life.

Rinconada Pool

It is located at 777 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, CA

I totally missed taking KK to this outing with his friends from day care due to my toothache causing a bad headache. I had rushed to see Dr. Yang and got it under control. In the meantime, Jia took KK there and he said they really enjoyed the pool until some other kid threw up and they had to close the pool to sanitize it again.

There are two outdoor pools. One is a lap swimming pool and one is a family activity pool. The kids go to the Play Pool (August 12th – October 30th), which is open on Sunday from 11am.

Here are some photos from the other moms as Jia is the only parent and wasn’t able to take photos:

For kids pool schedule, check updates online:



Toothache - horrible pain

Carmel Valley Ranch - my birthday luxurious trip

Carmel Valley Ranch - my birthday luxurious trip